We currently have no vacancies at either The Close, in Salisbury or our St. John’s in Wilton.
The criteria for being accepted for accommodation in the College of Matrons are:
- You must be a woman 60+
- You must be a resident in our area of benefit, which includes the Dioceses of Bath & Wells, Exeter, Portsmouth, Salisbury, Truro and Winchester
- You must have a housing need or be experiencing some other form of hardship
- You must be capable of living independently and able to look after yourself and your home as no on-site care is provided.
Please note that our properties are only available for single occupancy and preference is given to the widows and daughters of Ministers of the Church of England.
If you are interested in applying as a resident in any of our properties, please first click on the frequently asked questions link below to see whether you fit our criteria and for more general information.
Please note that our properties are only available for single occupancy and that none of our flats or cottages in The Close are suitable for applicants with mobility problems.
If you then want to apply for a property, or just to join our waiting list, please download the application form by clicking the link below, complete it and then return it to our office.
Your application can be returned by post or by email.
The College of Matrons is committed to the protection and safety of all data, both paper and electronic, it collects for its lawful business. Before submitting any completed Application Form you should read our Privacy Policy.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Post your accommodation application form to us at:
Mrs Jane Walsham
Clerk to the Trustees
The College of Matrons
The Old Laundry
42A The Close
or email your application form to us at: